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Looking for you..come from the same world with you..

Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm sorry..

We never chat since after I scolded her, I scared she don't want friend with me, I scared she don't bother me. That's why my cousin sister say me always look like emo. Later is her birthday, that's mean 23 September. I am thinking want to send a massage to wish her or not. I scared she is angry to me. I'm very sorry about it.

Today I saw her in school. She look like very angry. I didn't know she had seen me or not, but she had not come to the Pondok, maybe she saw me, so she don't want come. I feel so sad and very sorry...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Sport Day in the Desa Jaya (2)

Yesterday, my aunt came my houe then ask me to go her house. I do not want to go originally. My cousin sister say tomorrow her school sport day, therefore I went her house. When I reached her house, I told Michelle Yap I'll go to the sport day and ask her gt go or not. This morning, I woke up at 6.45am, damn early..!!

In the Desa Jaya (2), we went to the field and found a place to sit. After that, I received a massage. Michelle Yap arrived. Then we chat sambil tengok the competition. Her brother took part in the runing competition. After that, she went back and sit beside her mother. My cousin sister and I went to the basketball court to take the free drinks ( Viko) . There were many people play basketball,I was out of control, I sent a massage to ask Michelle want play ball with them or not? She very quick then arrived..zadao!! Then, we played ball with them together. Wahaha! so happy..^^! Semasa kami bermain dengan sangat gembira, that didn't know wha what teacher came and halau kami. I think Michelle's brother wanted to play, but cannot, because of that sohai teacher, deng! then, they back to home. wah..damn it! the teacher play ball afetr they went back! Tidak bertanggungjawab! Monday I'll kill you! I hate tha teacher!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


我校举办了中秋晚会。我早上7.35am出发往学校去。到了学校,好恐怖哦!一个认识的人都没有。不久,朋友来了,我们便把东西放到APD 去。过后,人齐了以后,我们便开始练习新的舞步。我们练了好多次,我还是一直忘记,所以,我有两个专人指导,嘿嘿^^。练习完毕后,我便和朋友到Zi Juan 的家去准备好一切后,我们又一起撑着雨伞到学校去,因为下雨了。来到学校,我们把书包放到APD 去,然后去Chalet 练舞。过后便上课了。今天一整天,我都没有专心上课,尤其是上Sejarah 的时候Zi Juan 还躺着睡觉呢!我比较好,拿着课本,然后,整个头脑想着新的舞步。老师今天很生气,因为,根本没有人回答她的问题。我想,应该是全部人都想着要怎么过今天的中秋晚会吧,哈哈!到了最后两节,我们随着华语老师老楼去。到了剩下一分钟就要放学的时候,Me, Zi Juan, Han Qin, Wai Kit, Carmen and Zhao Sheng 就已站在食堂外,准备冲了。铃~~咻~~我们全都已经跑到校门外了。我们坐Wai Kit 的车去Zi Juan 的家。来到学校,我们把东西放入APD ,然后,May Kei 便拿了帽子来分,过后就练习舞步。诶,有进步了咧,哈哈!开始表演了,我们是第3个表演。全部人都很紧张。终于轮到我们了,我们一步一步走上台去。开始了,第一首歌是“私奔到月球”,唱着这首歌的时候,每个人都很轻松及开心。接下来,到了第二首歌是“中国话”,这首歌是有带舞蹈的,也就是我们今天早上练习的。我们跳着这首歌时,有很多人的帽子被打到掉了下来,我的也一直不小心打到。第三首歌是“你们是我的星光”,还没开始唱时,下面的观众们,全部都喊“你们是我的星光”,听了,超开心的!果然,这首歌放最后没有错,受到大家热烈欢迎及欢呼。................................结束了。哈哈,我们成功了,走到门外,魏老师对我们竖起拇指头呢!哈哈!过后,我跟Zi Jun Give me five. 然后,我们便去APD ,我们谈论着我们唱中国话的时候,漏了一段,哈哈,越听越好笑的。过后,我们便去吃东西,我排了好久的队,才拿到一点点。过后,我要那多第二轮的时候,已经没有了..=.=..我们便到Laman bacaan (Pondok) 那边点蜡烛谈天,然后,Zhao Sheng 给了我一枝荧光棒。我跟凤莹便烧蜡烛盒。过后,May Kei 她们来了,她们站在石椅上面唱歌,唱到很高兴。我去看Raymond Leok 唱歌,一边挥我的荧光棒,最受欢迎的也是最后一首歌“月牙湾”。过后,扯铃表演开始了,我们全部人都去看,她们还分了灯笼给我们。表演结束,我们提着灯笼绕了一圈又一圈,全部人都很开心。10.30pm, 我把我的灯笼送给了Pei Lou, 然后上去APD 拿书包,Weng Zhen 又给了我一枝荧光棒。我拿了书包后,便跟全部人说Bye Bye...就依依不舍的回去了。今天很开心,希望下次还有得参加。回到家,我再吃晚餐。

  1. 私奔到月球
  2. 中国话
  3. 你们是我的星光

Today, I am very happy..^^

Friday, September 5, 2008


死火了!今天第一天才拿到的PPS Junior牌,竟然在我回到家的时候才发现到已经不见了。该怎么办才好呢?第一天就弄不见了。当我发现了,第一件做的就是打电话给我巴士的司机,叫她帮我找找看有没有跌在巴士里。过后,第二件事就是,开门,沿着我刚刚会来走过的路线在走一次找看看。好失望哦,我找不到。我带着害怕又失落的心情回家。为什么我酱倒霉?第一天就弄不见。明天怎样办?现在我最希望的是,司机帮我找到啦...TT...

Thursday, September 4, 2008



I hate the people who do not observes the promise...